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We awoke this morning before 4am to the cries of “FIRE!” and the flickering glow of flames from the condo units across the parking lot lighting up our loft. After quickly determining that our building was NOT on fire, we quickly dressed the kids, caged the cat, grabbed our valuables, and made our way downstairs. […]

Gone Camping

Lia’s first camping trip was a cold, wet week-end to Lac la Pêche in the Gatineau, joined by Grandpa Rick. We were thrilled to see how much she loved the experience and, apart from some first-night adjustment to sleeping in a tent, did wondrously. It doesn’t hurt that camping involves being outside all day and […]

Trying out the new Flip

Here’s a little mix of clips from this afternoon’s outing to the beach.

First Sign of Spring

Sugar Shack

There’s a crazy little shack beyond the tracks And ev’rybody calls it the sugar shack. (more…)