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The World Gets Bigger

Our dearest Lia, Your recent adventures have expanded your brain and your courage. We can see you growing up in front of us, like a fast-forward movie of a little bean seedling. You are learning new signs and words, expressing your desires with more vehemence and clarity, and exploring the world with bottomless curiosity. On […]

Lucky Thirteen

In honour of Lia’s thirteen-month birthday, here is a quick and dirty rundown of the latest developments: Lia is walking very steadily now, negotiating 360 degree turns, and doing circles around the cat. Just yesterday she began getting up from the floor onto her feet without any assistance! She’s lost interest in her toys and […]

We’ve Been Holding Out on You

You may have picked up on a little word in Shawn’s last post: “walking.” Yep, the princess is motoring on two feet, and she loves it. So for your viewing pleasure, we present “Lia Learns to Walk.” A few days before her birthday, Shawn and I caught her very first unassisted steps on tape. You […]

Like Father, Like Daughter

I’m on the bus today with Lia on our way to her second appointment at the Children’s Hospital. Three young guys get on and sit next to us, jostling each other and generally being rather rowdy. Lia loves all the action, and when one of the guys takes out his phone and starts playing gansta […]

Words to Parent By

“You cannot disappoint me. I wish only to discover you.” –Mary Haskell