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Post and Run

We leave for Christmas holidays tomorrow, and since I was downloading photos to clear off our memory card, I thought I’d quickly post a few shots on Flickr. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Second Birth

November was a pretty wretched month in our household. Several difficulties converged to create the perfect storm of toddler misery in the first week: a bad cold, the time change, teething, wintery weather, and a resurgence of separation anxiety. And then, the tragic loss of her puppy Yo-Yo. He fell out of the stroller when […]

Lia’s Lexicon

In honour of Lia’s eighteen-month birthday, we present this annotated list of Lia’s current vocabulary. amen [ahm] (Interjection) So be it. Lia has picked up on the ritual of prayer before meals, most especially since she figured out how to fold her hands together. She scrunches up her eyebrows and looks earnest and intent, babbles […]

The Fall Program

The days are different around here now that Shawn has gone back to work. No more tag-team parenting. I really miss his company after six months together. Lia and I are now going to some regularly scheduled activities. On Tuesdays we go to the Plant Recreation Centre in Chinatown for swimming lessons. In the change […]

Ode to a Bike Trailer

After we returned from our cottage vacation with Shawn’s parents, we had a chance to buy Lia a bike helmet–I just adore the pink bunnies. Our bike trailer was a gift from our wonderful friends at Common Ground, our cohousing group. That first week Shawn biked with Lia along the Ottawa River, and we also […]